26 galleries
Sans Classement
Sans Classement is the most overtly abstract of any M-Studio collection. Enjoyment, however, need not be a challenge. Don’t worry about where the image file originated. The initial content matters not - whether plant, animal, mineral, or unknown. What does matter is what you perceive now - physically, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually. What is the "feeling?"
You also may be interested in our other abstract images accessible from our list of galleries and in our FRESH VISIONS gallery.
Sans Classement is the most overtly abstract of any M-Studio collection. Enjoyment, however, need not be a challenge. Don’t worry about where the image file originated. The initial content matters not - whether plant, animal, mineral, or unknown. What does matter is what you perceive now - physically, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually. What is the "feeling?"
You also may be interested in our other abstract images accessible from our list of galleries and in our FRESH VISIONS gallery.
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24 imagesSANS CLASSEMENT [SEVEN] Sans Classement is the most overtly abstract of any M-Studio collection. Enjoyment, however, need not be a challenge. Don’t worry about where the image file originated. The initial content matters not - whether plant, animal, mineral, or unknown. What does matter is what you perceive now - physically, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually. What is the "feeling?" You also may be interested in our other abstract images accessible from our list of galleries and in our FRESH VISIONS gallery.
33 imagesSANS CLASSEMENT [SIX] Sans Classement is the most overtly abstract of any M-Studio collection. Enjoyment, however, need not be a challenge. Don’t worry about where the image file originated. The initial content matters not - whether plant, animal, mineral, or unknown. What does matter is what you perceive now - physically, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually. What is the "feeling?" You also may be interested in our other abstract images accessible from our list of galleries and in our FRESH VISIONS gallery.
3 imagesODE TO TURNER -- Not a copy, not an imitation. Simply an ode. A set of three images.
10 imagesRHAPSODIES IN BLUE -- A clear blue object with some tan background, and variations free of charge.
12 imagesLEAF ON PINE NEEDLES - Quick Study -- A few simple images that began easily, became complex, and then were reduced.
30 imagesSANS CLASSEMENT [FIVE] Sans Classement is the most overtly abstract of any M-Studio collection. Enjoyment, however, need not be a challenge. Don’t worry about where the image file originated. The initial content matters not - whether plant, animal, mineral, or unknown. What does matter is what you perceive now - physically, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually. What is the "feeling?" You also may be interested in our other abstract images accessible from our list of galleries and in our FRESH VISIONS gallery.
20 imagesTACHE ON WOOD -- A few temporary colors for a singing palette with a short memory.
6 imagesVERTICAL PLACEMENT -- Just a few things up and down - but also horizontal.
27 imagesSANS CLASSEMENT [FOUR] Sans Classement is the most overtly abstract of any M-Studio collection. Enjoyment, however, need not be a challenge. Don’t worry about where the image file originated. The initial content matters not - whether plant, animal, mineral, or unknown. What does matter is what you perceive now - physically, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually. What is the "feeling?" You also may be interested in our other abstract images accessible from our list of galleries and in our FRESH VISIONS gallery.
5 imagesThe Only Child Gallery -- Without siblings, are these orphans or happy travelers? Cannot they be both?
12 imagesSEA AND SHORE -- On the oh-so-wide edge with so many long steps from here to there.
12 imagesLIQUID HORIZON -- Higher or lower, deeper or wider, how flexible is the horizon, especially with an uncertain sun?
10 imagesAGAINST THE WALL -- Images taken of a wall and transported to a new perspective of imagination.
14 imagesDREAM GARDEN -- Not-quite-realized blossoms and foliage lend themselves to the dream garden. If a garden could dream, would it be with happy colors?
28 imagesENERGY CLOUD - An exploration of whirling three-dimensional spaces in close proximity. Two dimensions confining three simply cannot match reality.
18 imagesSHIFTING NUANCE - A change in direction, a change in perception. Or, did the other come first?
28 imagesPROVISIONAL RECKONINGS -- A few trial balloons of various colors and textures meant as tentative samples of further possibilities. Can there be a finite number of variations in these material worlds?
32 imagesMAGENTA RECKONINGS -- A few magenta trial balloons of various textures meant as tentative samples of further possibilities. Can there be a finite number of variations in these material worlds?
24 imagesSANS CLASSEMENT [THREE] Sans Classement is the most overtly abstract of any M-Studio collection. Enjoyment, however, need not be a challenge. Don’t worry about where the image file originated. The initial content matters not - whether plant, animal, mineral, or unknown. What does matter is what you perceive now - physically, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually. What is the "feeling?" You also may be interested in our other abstract images accessible from our list of galleries and in our FRESH VISIONS gallery.
25 imagesSANS CLASSEMENT [TWO] Sans Classement is the most overtly abstract of any M-Studio collection. Enjoyment, however, need not be a challenge. Don’t worry about where the image file originated. The initial content matters not - whether plant, animal, mineral, or unknown. What does matter is what you perceive now - physically, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually. What is the "feeling?" You also may be interested in our other abstract images accessible from our list of galleries and in our FRESH VISIONS gallery.
16 imagesSANS CLASSEMENT [ONE] Sans Classement is the most overtly abstract of any M-Studio collection. Enjoyment, however, need not be a challenge. Don’t worry about where the image file originated. The initial content matters not - whether plant, animal, mineral, or unknown. What does matter is what you perceive now - physically, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually. What is the "feeling?" You also may be interested in our other abstract images accessible from our list of galleries and in our FRESH VISIONS gallery.
4 imagesBLUE AND GREEN -- Floating mists of white and grey, among the shapes of blue and green a pleasant deception masked within, promising better futures.